sunday at garosugil

Last Sunday we had a chance to visit garosugil , as been known as a famous streets for upper class fashion brands and boutique and also loads of cafes for brunch or hang out like one in the below was a quite huge cafe that have a terrace so people can enjoy the nice weather outside or... maybe for a smoker i supposed , by just walking in that quite long road just give me absolute enjoyment because my eyes keep watching lots of pretty things as i try to enter couples of stores there and indeed the price was way more pricey than other store in hongdae or myondong for examples , but i find it very classy and super nice collection they have mostly all the fashion stall sell the same colors and tones for this autumn ~ and mostly all are goldy colors ...just so pretty 
and a store that i can only afford was forever21 ha ha ! what a joy to find that store although i don't have much time too pick up anything but i'll be back for sure :)

the cafe's  that i talk about 

some unique glasses shop

shops for geeks ? :B

home appliance shop that is a cute mugs 

                                          a Halloween themed shop so creative !

                                another eye candy clothing :)

kate spade everybody ....

this lovely stairs will lead you to a  nice cafe for breakfast or lunch ...

faux faur are in ... and i want it 

flats shoes and boots shops

nice necklace and ambiance for this autumn 

we jump into this mini cafe that promote their coffee and giveaway a black americano without sugar ,,,we try it but please without sugar ? it just end up in a trash can ...

another eye catching italian style cafes that we saw 

do you notice the scarf ? i love it :)

i love how they put the decoration , not to much and not to little just simple and classic

 bag heaven its a fur bags trends like most every autumn in seoul .should i have one ?

very classy white blouse and sweater  its so korean style 

this is my fave store i love that top with the fur beside the shoulder so pretty :)

not my fave ...


luv the colors :) 

this one i could say the most unique one for man shops 

this is another italian restaurant that looks lovely but mini ...

acc shops 


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